Creating Calmness: Relax with Kendra Kessel

(Fireside Chats) Finding Strength in Tough Times: Comforting Words to Lift You Up

Kendra Kessel Episode 12

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Welcome to today's special episode of "Fireside Chats" Finding Strength in Tough Times: Comforting Words to Lift You Up. Join Wellness and Relaxation Specialist Kendra Kessel as she shares uplifting and comforting words, along with practical suggestions, to help you find strength and navigate through tough times. 

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Finding Strength in Tough Times: Comforting Words to Lift You Up

Hello there, my friend! I am so glad you are here with me today, right now, at this very moment.

I have a question for you. How are you doing? Really…how are you? Think about this for a few seconds. Be honest with yourself. Often people ask us this question and we just say, “good…” but it’s not the truth. So, I’m asking you genuinely. How are you doing?

If things are going awesome for you, I’m so happy for you, and keep listening to this episode because it can help you in the future when things might not be going as well. If things aren’t going well for you right now, please listen carefully to this episode because I have some special words for you and a few things that may help.

This is the Creating Calmness podcast, and I’m Kendra Kessel, a Wellness and Relaxation Specialist with over two decades of experience helping reduce stress and improve physical and mental well-being. And, as a side note, I do work one-on-one with all types of people. You can go to and feel free to reach out to me anytime to talk with me.

And a quick disclaimer: The Creating Calmness podcast is solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

That being said, in today’s episode, I really just wanted to share some thoughts and give you encouragement. So many people, maybe even you, are dealing with some heavy things right now. It’s not easy.

I’m going to keep it real with you for a few minutes. Life can be really, really hard at times, and I’ve personally been there more times than I can count. In life, there are debilitating health challenges that come up, death of loved ones, financial struggles, relationship problems, traumatic events, and so forth. Sometimes it’s a gradual worsening of things. And other times, things can be going along great…and then BAM. It hits. When you least expect it.

It can feel as though the walls are caving in all around you, and you just can’t get out of it. You feel tired, worn down, like you're pushing a boulder uphill through molasses. Stress clings to you tighter than a wetsuit that you can’t seem to get off, and that ever-present exhaustion is making even the smallest tasks feel like scaling Mount Everest.

Please, my friend. Don’t give up. Always remember this: You are strong and resilient. You may feel weak. You may feel deflated and defeated. But…YOU ARE NOT! Again, you are strong and resilient, and things will soon become even better than you ever imagined! I promise.

Think about life like an ocean, and the struggles you face like an ocean wave. Sometimes the waters are calm. Sometimes there are big waves and small waves. But, you know there will always be waves because that’s part of it being an ocean.

Life throws us challenges, moments where an unforeseen rip current and huge wave drags us under, and it feels impossible to breathe. But here's the thing we forget – big crashing waves don't last forever. They crest, they crash, and then…there's calm water.

I love these two famous quotes. This one is by Jon Kabat-Zinn: “You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." And one by Louisa May Alcott: “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

You will always have giant waves, being the rough times, that come barreling down at you when you least expect it.

But, know this–with each wave, you get stronger and build more and more resilience. And gradually, you become more confident that you can get through even the biggest and most turbulent waves. You learn to ride the biggest of waves. Even the best surfers in the world still get hit by big waves and fall down. And they keep getting back up and getting better and better at navigating the waves and waters. And that is true with life. With each struggle, you gain more capability at handling them.

You will never meet a strong and resilient person with an easy past. And you…yes, you…are strong and capable of getting through anything.

When you’re going through tough times… Remember that strength you possess. It's not gone. Even if you’re feeling weak. Your strength is simmering beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to propel you forward. You've faced obstacles before, conquered mountains that seemed insurmountable. This is no different. You are a fighter, a survivor, and deep down, you know it. Anytime you start doubting yourself, tell yourself this: I can do hard things. I can do hard things. And keep saying that over. Because it’s true!

Another thing to remember is that you're not alone in feeling like this. Every single person on this planet experiences these extreme highs and lows of life. We all have those days where the weight of the world feels like it's crushing us and we feel like giving up. That doesn't make you weak; it makes you human. And it’s all a part of our experience here on Earth with all its glorious ups and soul-crushing downs. You are NOT alone.

If you want to truly rise above, understand that these lows are temporary. Use them as fuel, as a reminder of your resilience and unwavering spirit.

So, what can you do to get through hard times more easily? Here are five additional things you can do right now to get the momentum rolling in the right direction. The first thing is to

  1. Acknowledge it sucks and that you're struggling. Don't bottle it up. Let it out. Repressing emotions is actually dangerous for our physical and mental health, with a lot of side effects for repressing them. Let the tears flow if they need to flow. It's okay to not be okay. And if you believe in the power of prayer…this is the time to ask for guidance, comfort, and peace in your mind, heart, and soul. Another big thing is that it is so important to talk to someone you trust and vent it all out. Share how you’re feeling. This alone can make you feel so much better. It’s crucial to connect with other people and get help or just have a supportive listening ear. If you are depressed or having dark thoughts, definitely get help through a therapist or other professionals. But, if you’re simply down and going through some hard stuff, friends and family are key. If you don’t have a friend or family member you can talk to, look into a support group. Just one meeting or session can give you the help you need to get out of the trenches. Another thing you can do right now is to…
  2. Prioritize rest. Your body and mind are screaming for a break. Take it! Turn off social media and TV and go to bed early, say no to extra commitments, delegate whatever you can. Focus on replenishing your energy reserves. Sleep is so important for your physical and mental well-being and one of the best ways to start feeling better and have a new outlook on life is to get enough sleep. The third thing is…
  3. Do something small for yourself. Remember that thing you love but haven't done in ages? Do it! Read a book, dance, take a walk in nature, treat yourself to a delicious meal. You need some self-care and fun outlets and to remember the joyful things in life. The fourth thing you can do is to…
  4. Shift your focus. Sometimes, we get so bogged down in the problems that we forget the good stuff. Acknowledge your problem but don't dwell on it and let it consume you. Think about your struggle as a learning experience that will make you stronger versus something negative. Make a list of things you're grateful for, big or small. It can be a simple cup of coffee, a warm hug, a nice hello you got from the cashier, the super soft blanket you got for Christmas that keeps you warm at night, or the strength it took you to get out of bed this morning (which you did). It’s easy to forget the wonderful and beautiful things all around us when we are going through the muddy trenches, so to speak. Open up your eyes to the good things surrounding you, and it will slowly start letting more and more light in. The more you do this, the better you’ll start feeling. And finally, number five.
  5. Take action, one step at a time. Even the smallest step forward is progress. Break down that overwhelming mountain into manageable rocks and steps. Start with the easiest task on your list, and celebrate completing it! Momentum is a powerful force, and soon, you'll be surprised by how much you've accomplished. Even if you have one or two steps that knock you back, don’t let it discourage you, keep on persevering slowly but surely.

Remember, my friend, you are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. You've weathered storms before, and you will weather this one too. Don't be afraid to ask for help, lean on your support system, start seeing the beauty and good in life, take one day at a time, and most importantly, believe that you can get through anything. This wave may be tough, but you've got the power to ride it out and emerge stronger on the other side.

Today and this week, whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, close your eyes and think of a big turbulent ocean wave and visualize yourself sailing or surfing over that wave, victorious….and ending up in calm and gentle waters.

I hope this episode brought you peace and helped you realize that you can get through anything! You’re doing great, my friend. Never forget that. You’re needed in this world, and you are extremely valuable and one-of-a-kind.

I hope you have a great rest of your day and night, and if you need anything, feel free to reach out to me at or on social media. Take care, and thanks again for sharing your time with me.

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